
文章来源:经贸学院 作者: 发布时间:2018-12-18 浏览次数:310

One belt and one road —Infrastructure

 spillover effects


主讲人 吉野直行教授 亚洲开发银行研究所所长

主持人 陈子雷教授 纽约国际588888线路检测中心科研处处长

时  间  2018年12月24日(周一)9:00-10:30

地  点  信息楼503


Naoyuki Yoshino is Dean & CEO of the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADB Institute); Professor Emeritus of Keio University, in Tokyo, Japan; and Senior Adviser at the Japan Financial Services Agency’s (FSA) Financial Research Center (FSA Institute). He obtained his PhD from Johns Hopkins University, where his thesis supervisor was Sir Alan Walters (who was Margaret Thatcher’s Economic Adviser). He was a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States) and has been a visiting professor at various universities including the University of New South Wales (Australia), Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (France), University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). He was an Assistant Professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo and an Economics Professor at Keio University from 1991 to 2014. He was appointed board of the Financial Planning Standards Board in 2007, and also served as chairperson of the Japanese Ministry of Finance’s council on Foreign Exchange and its Fiscal System Council (Fiscal Investment and Loan Program Section). He was also a board member of the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan, chairperson of the Meeting of Japanese Government Bond Investors (Ministry of Finance), and was President of the Financial System Council of the Government of Japan. He was conferred honorary doctorates by the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) in 2004 and by Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) in 2013; he also received the Fukuzawa Award from Keio University for his contribution to academic research in 2013. He is the President of Financial Education Council organized by the Central Bank of Japan, Financial Services Agency (FSA), Ministry of Education, Cabinet Ministry and private financial institutions.


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[26]Yoshino, Naoyuki and Umid Abidhadjaev (2017), “Impact of infrastructure on tax revenue: Case study of high-speed train in Japan”, Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, Vol.1, Issue 2.

[27]Yoshino, Naoyuki, Masaki Nakahigashi and Victor Pontines (2017), “Attract Private Financing to Infrastructure Investment by Injecting Spillover Tax Revenues”, Nomura Journal of Asian Capital Markets, Spring, Vol.1, No.2.

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[29]Exogeneity of world oil prices to the Russian Federation’s economy and monetary policy,  Sep 2018,  Alekhina Victoriia and Naoyuki Yoshino,

[30]Eurasian Economic Review, A Journal in Applied Macroeconomics and Finance, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40822-018-0115-3

[31]Trading and Ordering Patterns of Market Participants in High Frequency Trading Environment: Empirical Study in the Japanese Stock Market, June 2018, Taiga Saito, Takanori Adachi, Teruo Nakatsuma, and Naoyuki Yoshino,   Asia-Pacific Financial Markets https://doi.org/10.1007/s10690-018-9245-6

[32]Closing the Asia Infrastructure Gap,  Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development,  Winter 2018, Issue No.10,  PP,62-74,    Naoyuki Yoshino, Umid Abidhadjaev and Masaki Nakahigashi

[33]Changes in Economic Effect of Infrastructure and Financing Methods” Public Policy Review, Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance, Japan, Vol.12, No.1, (2016).

[34]Impact of international remittances on poverty reduction,  Global Solutions Journal,  Vol.1, Issue 1, May 2018, PP.90-96,     Naoyuki Yoshino, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary and Miyu Otsuka

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