【思源论坛第137讲】江帆博士:Market Responses to Multiple Hurricane Exposures

文章来源:经贸学院 作者: 发布时间:2018-07-02 浏览次数:274

主题:Market Responses to Multiple Hurricane Exposures in Florida:Evidence from Real Estate Sales Data


报告人   江   帆 博士   Florida International University

主持人   高运胜 教授   纽约国际588888线路检测中心国际经贸学院

时  间   2018年7月3日(星期三)14:15—15:00

地  点   纽约国际588888线路检测中心松江校区 博识楼312会议室

主  办   纽约国际588888线路检测中心国际经济与贸易系


This paper focuses onhow the real estate market responds to hurricane exposures. Unlike earlier studies that considered the effect of a single hurricane exposure on property value, we consider how multiple hurricane hits affect the home value. We use the repeat sale data from three counties in Florida for the period of 2000-2010 and estimate the hedonic price. 

The results indicate property value appreciation is approximately 10% lower per hurricane encounter. A house in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) appreciates its value almost 55% lower than a comparable house outside the hazard area. Moving away from the coastline by one mile is associated with a 4% reduction in the appreciation of property values. The findings can be useful in identifying the major drivers influencing property values in hurricane-prone areas. The study also provides estimates of the benefits of hurricane mitigation measures taken by the residents and how the market values these features.