【思源论坛第21讲_周五(11.20)】陆毅:Do Place-Based Policies Work? Micro-Level Evidence from Chinas Economic Zone

文章来源:经贸学院 作者: 发布时间:2015-11-02 浏览次数:418
纽约国际588888线路检测中心思源论坛第21讲主  题:Do Place-Based Policies Work? Micro-Level Evidence from China's Economic Zone Program主讲人:新加坡国立大学 陆毅时  间:2015年11月20日星期五上午9:30-11:30地  点:博识楼312Abstract:Exploiting two geo-coded firm censuses, this paper examines the impact of China's Special Economic Zones on economic activity in the targeted areas. We find that economic zones have a positive effect on employment, output and capital, and increase the number of firms. We also find that firm births and deaths play a larger role in explain-ing the zones' effects than incumbents and relocations. Finally, a zone's effectiveness depends on a program's features. Capital-intensive industries exhibit larger positive zone effects than labor-intensive ones. Location characteristics such as market potential and transportation accessibility are not critical factors in enhancing the programeffects.Keyword: Place-based Policies; Relocation; Market Potential; Special Economic ZonesJEL Classifcation: H2, J2, O2, R3陆毅副教授简介:陆毅副教授2007年毕业于香港大学并获得经济学博士学位,2007-2010年在香港大学担任助理教授,2011年至今为新加坡国立大学经济系副教授。陆毅副教授研究兴趣涵盖国际贸易、中国经济以及应用微观经济学等领域,研究成果见诸《Journal of International Economics》、《Review of Economics and Statistics》、《Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization》等SSCI权威期刊,以及《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》等CSSCI顶级期刊。关于陆毅副教授的简介详见http://ylu6.weebly.com/